Saturday, October 31, 2009
I would totally wear this shit!
Stella McCartney for Gap Kids. Hell yes! I have been known to have shopped in the children's dept as a 'fully-grown' adult before...

xoxo gossip S

xoxo gossip S
stella mccartney
Where's my caps lock?

Ok, so, what is so wrong about being shy? Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I'm a horrible boring person. Just like it doesn't mean you are stoopid just because you can't spell. I sometime feel like I need a real life caps lock button. The only time I feel like my real life caps lock button is on is during borderline road rage. Other than that, it's most certainly off (hard to believe I know. The truth hurts sometimes guys)
claudia schiffer,
Erwin Wurm,
Friday, October 30, 2009
I want to be Alison Mosshart.

Except without hair in my face all the time. Would make it impossible to wear lip gloss.

Except without hair in my face all the time. Would make it impossible to wear lip gloss.
the kills
That was Sarah
blogging about tattoos. Although I am getting more very VERY soon and also a very exciting piercing. Cool huh?
My new tattoos will be
1 - An anchor with a heart over it... its hard to explain but it is soups cute.
2- Maybe a crescent moon.
If it was me, I might get a gun , except I'm kind of against guns. And Rihanna has a gun tattoo in the same place I want to get mine.
Something I want to get, but I don't know if I actually would,is this Russian criminal tattoo of an upside down Spade (as in the card suit) with two skulls inside. But this technically would make me some kind of criminal.
The thing with tattoos is that I don't want to get something that I like in a phase - I want the real shit, something that I will like even when I'm forty. (ew)
Yes Sarah I said no gun, because I dont believe in guns. That is my reason. If i was into guns I might get one. So that is why i said no gun. And do you really want the same tattoo as Rihanna?
My new tattoos will be
1 - An anchor with a heart over it... its hard to explain but it is soups cute.
2- Maybe a crescent moon.
If it was me, I might get a gun , except I'm kind of against guns. And Rihanna has a gun tattoo in the same place I want to get mine.
Something I want to get, but I don't know if I actually would,is this Russian criminal tattoo of an upside down Spade (as in the card suit) with two skulls inside. But this technically would make me some kind of criminal.

The thing with tattoos is that I don't want to get something that I like in a phase - I want the real shit, something that I will like even when I'm forty. (ew)
Yes Sarah I said no gun, because I dont believe in guns. That is my reason. If i was into guns I might get one. So that is why i said no gun. And do you really want the same tattoo as Rihanna?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
So, blogging is really addictive when you have something much more important, yet very boring, to attend to.
Anyway. Yes this is a poll. Votes are REQUIRED! If you don't vote I will kick you.
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of either a peace sign (we've already gone over how cliche i am in previous posts, so lets not go there tonight ok), a revolver, or an arrow. I'm talking small here. Like small small. Maybe as big as my thumb, now THAT'S small.


And no Anna, I can't just draw it on everyday. And no Anna, I'm not thinking about getting it on my finger anymore. It can be hidden.
Anyway. Yes this is a poll. Votes are REQUIRED! If you don't vote I will kick you.
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of either a peace sign (we've already gone over how cliche i am in previous posts, so lets not go there tonight ok), a revolver, or an arrow. I'm talking small here. Like small small. Maybe as big as my thumb, now THAT'S small.


And no Anna, I can't just draw it on everyday. And no Anna, I'm not thinking about getting it on my finger anymore. It can be hidden.
Day of the DEAD

So Halloween is coming up. We all know Bif has her outfit all sorted out. But what about me??? Rhonda Volmer (of Big Love fame) was a suggestion but...a) I don't think I own a skirt long enough to pull it off and b) my hair is slowly getting bigger again, but not THAT big. Sigh, I suggested that myself and my team mate here just paint our faces in a certain theme, but according to her that's so "last year Sarah". Well shit. Sorry I wasn't in Auckland last year guys. What do you want me to do about it? What I am most likely going to do is just stay in the palace and watch scary movies (while drinking 'champagne'). Who's with me?
Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my tummy
So sugar (and bread) are pretty much my own personal devils. I go through these phases of being an uncontrollable sugar and bread eating machine. Sugar monster, if you will. What's wrong with me? I AM a monster. Pretty much all I have to say about all of this is, I LOVE SUGAR (and bread).
the searchers
Dear Anonymous Blog Readers..
Hello Anonymous-Blog-Readers. Just a little note to let you know we know you are reading , and maybe we know where you live. Our "flog" ( fake- blog) is all about fun,laughing and stuff that we like. So please enjoy and take it all lightly. Except the jackets I want, don't take them lightly. BUY THEM. For me, not for you.
Ok you ABR's - get to it. Read your sexy little socks off.
p.s now I know that people I don't know read the flog, I'm a bit nervous. I'm not cool enough for this.
Ok you ABR's - get to it. Read your sexy little socks off.
p.s now I know that people I don't know read the flog, I'm a bit nervous. I'm not cool enough for this.
Wait for meeeeeee!
Sarah still exists guys. Just to let you know. Bif has just gone completely crazy on the blogging side of her life a.k.a the loom of finishing university life is beginning to freak her out, so she takes comfort in this cu-u-gg-gg-l-y-yy blog.
But I am still here. I am alive. Just you wait. I have too much to say, it may very well hurt you with sheer force when it all comes out.

The Hubble telescope rocks my world.
But I am still here. I am alive. Just you wait. I have too much to say, it may very well hurt you with sheer force when it all comes out.

The Hubble telescope rocks my world.
elizabeth robson,
Sarah Theobald

PLEASE BEN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. (or any anonymous millionaire readers, I am willing to make new friendships) .I know I know I make fun of Ben for wanting a fringed jacket, but this is ok because its such a lovely colour.
Anyway its a brand called ' Swagga and Soul'.

PLEASE BEN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. (or any anonymous millionaire readers, I am willing to make new friendships) .I know I know I make fun of Ben for wanting a fringed jacket, but this is ok because its such a lovely colour.
Anyway its a brand called ' Swagga and Soul'.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yvonne Todd
Love or hate but I kind of like... ok ok I like.

I know she gets a lot of shit, but I like them. But then again, if you saw my "artwork" you might understand.

I know she gets a lot of shit, but I like them. But then again, if you saw my "artwork" you might understand.
I had planned to dress up as Jonbenet Ramsay - apparently, 'Bad Taste'. But maybe this look would be more fun for halloween?? The mean-girls slutty option would be Pebbles Flintstone.

Just found this..
because I'm sooooo busy doing schoolwork.
Obviously not. Anyways, its Sonia Rykiel from Paris fashion week and kind of reminds me of that Dior (?) I loved ages ago. I think I want to make this style my life commitment.

Obviously not. Anyways, its Sonia Rykiel from Paris fashion week and kind of reminds me of that Dior (?) I loved ages ago. I think I want to make this style my life commitment.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
help me please...
Someone PLEASE MAKE ME WORK. Its so so eaasy just to not do my work, and do things like... blog. Because doing my work is hard, it requires thinking. But doing other things is easy, the easy way out. I don't want to fail, but I can't stop being slack. If I upload my photos that Im going to submit, will someone, ANYONE, give me feedback?
Considering our reader base is like, three... I'm not counting on anything.
Considering our reader base is like, three... I'm not counting on anything.
why are boys so stupid? Now I'm not talking about anyone in particular, but lookie here. Us , me and Sarah, and probably lots of other hot and sexy babes, we are GOOD GOOD PEOPLE. And we deserve boys to treat us like the ladies we are. So just so you know, We would be fine without you.
Here are some 'boys'.

Here are some 'boys'.

Stefanie Fiore
Courtesy of jealousCurator - Stefanie Fiore. I like these photos, in fact, as much as I love our palace, I wish this was our house.

See if I got this
Now I'm no good with technology. So see if this works.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I just woke up from the most epic nap I've had in a very long time. I don't really know what to do with myself right now.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
An Artist at Versailles
And it's not Jeff Koons. No, it's Xavier Veilhan. Todd Selby investigated the show that is currently on at Versailles. Some of it I non like. But some, the murple balloons in particular, I do like. But I think I just love Versailles so much I just have to like something. Versailles = my favorite place in the world. Actually to be more precise, the Grand Trianon = my favorite place in the world.

the selby,
xavier veilhan
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rainbow Brite got a makeover

Actually more than a makeover. She got a chin job, an eye life, nose job, lipo and a brand new weave. Like Strawberry Shortcake, Polly Pocket and dare I even say Barbie, Miss Brite joins them in the 21st century cartoon sluts. Why does this happen? Have we really gotten to the end of the children's cartoon barrel? Jesus, use your imagination much? I guess not.
rainbow brite
God I'm such a lazy idiot.
God I'm such a lazy idiot.
justin townes earle,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When you grow up...
...or at least begin to, there are several things you should start to do in order to plant yourself properly in the world of adults. One of these steps is finding and buying the perfect bag. A grown up's bag. This bag will be a) practical and b) long lasting. And unfortunately a + b usually equals ex.spen.sive!!! As discussed earlier with a fellow blogger (and flatmate and buddy - prizes for guessing who) it is very hard to find a non-trendy/cheap ass throw away bag that appeals to our discerning eyes, and when this event does eventually happen I usually flip out and become totally indecisive (so out of character *cough*) convince myself that I'll hate it in two months and ultimately get myself a long way away from the situation. This only seems to happen to me in real life though, or so I thought...
Faux-shopping online has lead me to these 'I will always love it if I had it. This is my adult bag!' examples.

and this Porenza Schouler PS1 satchel.

Ultimately I'd love to have both, but I'm on the fence about a stupid financial decision that could potentially get me one - I robbed a green grocers and now I'm rolling in a bit of money. No but seriously, I could potentially (yes stupidly) spend my clean money on one of these bags. I have been all green eyed over the PS1 satchel ever since Snaggle Tooth began sporting it a while back. We saw a much more economical version today but a) it wasn't black python skin and b) it had eyes for someone else and I'm not a total bitch - despite thoughts to the contrary.
OK. SO. What should I do? Make my net-a-porter fantasy life real? Fucking just jump into the freezing cold pool? It won't be that chilly will it? But as confident as I am about my faux-purchases when I stare at them on my computer saying 'If only I could, I would' I now, potentially can, but can't. Is this the same thing that makes me run away from perfectly fine grown up bags in Country Road? Or is it more along the lines 'Sarah you should probably use that money for a house' or whatever is more sensible than blowing a couple of thousand on a bag....that I end up hating...but probably will love forever...but will most likely get sick of...but I've wanted it for so long...etc...
Sigh my life! I should just give up on this and brighten up my day with this

Actually if I ever get that above bag, someone kill me.
Oh, and by the way, two ferrel pigeon's walking on my balcony right now. Rats of the sky.
P.S. upon further investigation, the PS1 cannot be shipped out of the EU because of its python nature. So, now I have the same issue with the Chloe bag. Sigh, can I really be THAT stupid to do this...?
Faux-shopping online has lead me to these 'I will always love it if I had it. This is my adult bag!' examples.

and this Porenza Schouler PS1 satchel.

Ultimately I'd love to have both, but I'm on the fence about a stupid financial decision that could potentially get me one - I robbed a green grocers and now I'm rolling in a bit of money. No but seriously, I could potentially (yes stupidly) spend my clean money on one of these bags. I have been all green eyed over the PS1 satchel ever since Snaggle Tooth began sporting it a while back. We saw a much more economical version today but a) it wasn't black python skin and b) it had eyes for someone else and I'm not a total bitch - despite thoughts to the contrary.
OK. SO. What should I do? Make my net-a-porter fantasy life real? Fucking just jump into the freezing cold pool? It won't be that chilly will it? But as confident as I am about my faux-purchases when I stare at them on my computer saying 'If only I could, I would' I now, potentially can, but can't. Is this the same thing that makes me run away from perfectly fine grown up bags in Country Road? Or is it more along the lines 'Sarah you should probably use that money for a house' or whatever is more sensible than blowing a couple of thousand on a bag....that I end up hating...but probably will love forever...but will most likely get sick of...but I've wanted it for so long...etc...
Sigh my life! I should just give up on this and brighten up my day with this

Actually if I ever get that above bag, someone kill me.
Oh, and by the way, two ferrel pigeon's walking on my balcony right now. Rats of the sky.
P.S. upon further investigation, the PS1 cannot be shipped out of the EU because of its python nature. So, now I have the same issue with the Chloe bag. Sigh, can I really be THAT stupid to do this...?
porenza schouler,
Slow Blogging
Im really really sorry that I haven't blogged. Forgive me Sarah.
First things first, some bitch was walking in front of me on Queen street the other day and I could not accept her pants. TIGHTS AS PANTS ARE INHUMAN AND HORRIBLE. Especially when worn with a short t shirt, so you can see your booty (and if you are especially stupid) your panty line.
I know for a fact that other people disagree with this trend, but the war still needs to be fought. The number of people at Auckland Uni who wear this unfortunate outfit choice is SHOCKING. Truly shocking.
I googled for images but they were all too repulsive, so I gave up and am using something completely unrelated.
First things first, some bitch was walking in front of me on Queen street the other day and I could not accept her pants. TIGHTS AS PANTS ARE INHUMAN AND HORRIBLE. Especially when worn with a short t shirt, so you can see your booty (and if you are especially stupid) your panty line.
I know for a fact that other people disagree with this trend, but the war still needs to be fought. The number of people at Auckland Uni who wear this unfortunate outfit choice is SHOCKING. Truly shocking.
I googled for images but they were all too repulsive, so I gave up and am using something completely unrelated.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Summer seemed to be slowly creeping around the corner today. But by the time I got my lazy ass to a pool, it had clouded over again. Great. Amber had these photos up on her blog and they would have totally complimented my, obviously premature, summery day. Clouds are so overrated, get rid of them already sky!

alice in wonderland,
elena kalis,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chanel Spring 2010

People have been calling this 'Yeeha' country. But is it really? To me it's more faux-country. Marie Antionette country. Controlled wild/rustic country. Whatevs Sarah! I like it. And Wily Allen performing live. I like that too.

karl largerfeld,
lily allen
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
then visit www.thejealouscurator.com/
some really really interesting stuff!
then visit www.thejealouscurator.com/
some really really interesting stuff!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Lipstick on the bathroom mirror.

Something I've never done or ever really understood. Firstly, it's bloody creepy. Secondly, it totally fucks up your lipstick! It's not like writing a note using your eyeliner pencil, which can be sharpened and is NOT creepy. Why would anyone want to do this? What is the point? I'm sure it's not as romantic as the chick flicks portray. I also doubt it will make you more inspired by daily affirmations (or whatever the hell you need to write in lipstick on your mirror, daily affirmations seems to fit this weird bill) just because you've totally messed up your new YSL (or Chi Chi, let's not discriminate) lipstick. In fact it'd really piss me off. AND thirdly, wouldn't that be one bitch to clean. Weird. Don't do it. Creepy, upsetting and hard work.
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