This bitch is crazy! While I will admit to be a bit of a 90s revival enthusiast (I dig floral, plaid and Angela Chase) I do not, do not understand American Apparel's excitement over the scrunchie. Yes, I've had my fair share of scrunchies. My favorite was my silky pink/purple rainbow one I would wear to one side of my head (note: I had a bob at this stage. Yeah, use your imagination). I even had scrunchie envy over my sister's orange mesh one that contained multi-coloured styrofoam balls IN it! Yes, what fond memories those are. That is what I feel the scrunchie should stay , a memory. They shouldn't even be used to tie back your hair when you wash your face for god's sake! No, no, no!!!
Yes, that orange mesh scrunchie with the multi-coloured styrofoam balls was indeed a favourite of mine. I was so proud of it; so unique and funky! And colourful! With a twist!