Seeing as everyone seems to be jumping onto the Jehtro Cave band wagon at the moment, may I just swoop in here and say...I'm sorry but this guy is bullshit. Soon to be gracing the cover of No Magazine young Cave seems to be climbing up the ladder of male model de jour. But seriously? a) you're Nick Cave's son and this is what you choose to do with your life? Male model? Really? and b) yes, I have no idea of what his No photos look like yet, but judging from what I have seen of J.C (Jethro Cave, NOT to be mistaken with Jesus Christ), which is A LOT including the below Hedi Slimane photos...my opinion of this fella does not look like it will change drastically anytime soon. It's not that I'm a prude or what have you and am all "errr he's in women's clothes ew" etc. I get that, Im not stoopid. Neither do I not like the No cover. Nor do I detest his face, although still a bit on the baby-face side of things. It's his whole freaking 'I'm such a m*****f******* (yeah, censoring) badass. Look at me go' attitude that drives me mental. Mental I tell you! This badass just doesn't sit right with me. Sigh, I just don't get it.

p.s. Why yes I do have a picture of him in a nightie tacked up on my fridge. Am I a hypocrite? No. Then why? Because it's bloody awesome.
I totally agree. But then again, who am I to stand in his way.. I am just a starving artist and he's well.. most likely raking in the dough doing what he does (whatever that may be).