My sister will know that Claudia Kishi was my favourite character, as much as she told me I was a Mallory. Stacey I guess came a close second. Claudia's outfits were just so awesome - they really brightened up the 'niceness' of it all. I liked how, with Claudia, they always ALWAYS told you what she was wearing, but with the boring characters like Mary-Anne and Kristy they never bothered.
I'm sorry to anyone who was a Mallory fan, its just... god. The Illustrations never did her justice and it was pretty mean for her to have red hair AND freckles AND glasses.

Another great series from the 80's and 90's was Sweet Valley High. I always got stuck being Elizabeth (obviously) but she was boring most of the time. Jessica was bad-ass, but there was no 'in between' characters. Lila was a snooty biatch and Enid was ugs and dated a guy named Winston. I'm pretty sure I read most of these too, and the spin offs. I totally love the 80's covers of the books with the circular picture and the little intriguing line that gives clues as to what the book is about.
I miss Sweet Valley High books.

p.s alice , go to www,