No not hunky guys, the shiny stuff that goes on clothes, bags, shoes etc etc etc. I was quite excited by the more readily accessible studded stuff that began to come about in the last six months or so. I like studs, and without having a studding machine (if I did I'd probably go khu-razy and stud my entire life) ready made studded stuff was fantastic. BUT. Now it has gotten a little overboard. Annoying 14-year-old girl overboard. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to dress in a way different from high schoolers (and when you put my height and 'sweet-face' into the equation, this is pretty much impossible). Now studs aside, can we sit and think about this situation happening about ten or so years ago, say when I was an annoying 14-year-old girl. Well, it didn't happen. We didn't have the wonders of Supre or an accelerated sense of fashion. Sigh. I should just give up now, start lying about my age and do over my teenage and university years. Is this the answer to my life crisis? I hope so!

Like you'd pass as a teenager. You're waaaay too cynical!
ReplyDeleteAnd I have never really been a fan of studded belongings myself (it all just smacks of Alice Dellal), I kind of like things that are bedazzled rather than things that are bought that way, and I reserve the right to be a randomly judgmental bitch!