Urban Outfitters ships here now! HURAH! HURAH! HURAH! You have no idea how excited I am about this! VERY. Probably more excited than I was when Topshop opened it's shipping doors here last year - yeah, that's right! THAT EXCITED. For those who haven't had an Urban Outfitters experience let me just say that it is AWESOME! Anyway, I am so predictable that I had already started a 'shopping cart' on their website before I had even heard the news. Since hearing the news, a lot of my items have been moved to my wishlist to make my cart realistically affordable - perfect varsity jacket and a near perfect summer tee come to me (once I have mulled over a footwear option for one more night or so). But one whislist item I am very, very tempted to add back into my shopping cart is this little fellow.
Deena & Ozzy black pony hair front flap messenger bag. Awesome, awesome, awesome. But sigh I have put my sensible hat on and realised that my Porenza Schouler PS1 look-alike from Country Road still has a lot of life left in it. Does this mean that I can add another (or two) more items back into my cart? I think it might... Anyway, go start a shopping cart. Faux-online shopping is probably one of life's most simple joys.
Over and out, S
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