Gosh doesn't it just look like the real thing? I know I know its like,illegal or whatever but some things can't be helped. I'm sure there will be a rip off at Supre or something anyway.
A bonus item in my giftpack was this:

MY VERY OWN, PERSONALIZED VERSION! See how instead of Baddies, it says Biffies ? Like me, Bif? and also it is wearing tassels and cat eyeliner like me, Bif?
What an awesome gift.
I bought myself a gift the other day also (thanks to my brothers credit card) which also fits in here nicely as it is also a black tee shirt.... I think its becoming an unhealthy obsession. Anyway, its this lovely Boy London tee (which I promptly cut the sleeves off)

I actually wanted the full length dress with a charcoal logo on it but it took ten minutes to get a staff member to talk to me and when they did, I found out it was a sample only and they weren't for sale ANYWHERE and couldn't be taken off the mannequin even. But the t shirt will be sufficient.
What a lucky lass! Swoooooon