I guess I should say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and all that. So yeah, great it's a new year. Mines not going swimmingly, but hey, it's only the first day - I'll give 2011 another chance.
Basically to save you reading a very boring dear diary entry the last few days of 2010 were a bit personally challenging for myself. You know those times when you feel like 'oh god, I'm so weird, why can't I just be cool etc?'. And by cool I don't mean being the Queen Bee or having the latest furry stickers in my sticker collection - I mean being ok with who I am. Sigh, so cliche, yes, we've all had those, cry me a river Sarah. But then I realised that a) I'm not fifteen, get a fucking grip and b) I AM 'cool' and everyone else are the weirdos.
Basically, something that should have already sunk in by now. But sometimes it's hard when it's just you and you're standing there with your belifes and idiosyncrasies while someone (or everyone) tests them with their belifes and idiodyncrasies. No one is right. Everyone is cool, just be cliche and strong about it y'all. Peace out 2010, don't be a bitch 2011
I don't think you are weird. I think you are totes awesome and I'm super happy you are my bestie.
thanks bro. i like how this blog has just become our new skype as you are never on real skype when im on real skype