Or are you more a 15-year-old stylist? A-15-year old bloger/photografer? Or perhaps a 16-year-old photographer? Or maybe a 19-year-old College Student/Designer/Fashion Photographer. A-18-year old playwright? Personally we feel like we are more in the category of the slashed occupation(s) with, of course, the inclusion of a self-appointed status of 'muse'.
LookBook.nu has created a whole new level of egotism in our eyes. Or as said by Bif, maybe New Zealanders are just bred to be underachievers (underachievers meaning ONE occupation as opposed to a myriad of slashed ones.)
Here are our LookBook.nu occupations:
Bif = Artist/Photographer/Student/Fashion Desinger/BMX Biker/Muse/Blogger/Food Critic
Sarah = Blogger/Photographer/Interior Designer/Pastry Chef/Art Historian/Archeologist/Blah/Blah/Blaaaaaah
Oh and from FaceHunter is this image - and yes, this man is wearing a Game Boy around his neck, for gaming convenience perhaps.
I dunno... I'd say that gameboy is just for 'decoration' because the chain is too short to allow him to play it without taking it off from around his neck. Also, even if the chain were long enough, he'd have to turn it around cos if he lifted it as is is, the whole thing would be upside-down. Sheesh what an idiot.