Pink, gingham, frilly (enough) bikini. I will begin my summer-bod regime now! Okay. Tomorrow. Okay, okay LATER! GIVE ME A BREAK!

Mono-chrome short. Cool.

Mono-chrome long. Cool. But not a 5ft 2" girl's best friend. Or any kind of friend for that matter, best, or normal.

The perfect white dress. Like a delicious wedding cake (only if you get the chocolate inside though, fruit cake is the pits). But if I got this (scoff) I think I would cut it short. Yes, that's right. I'd cut a Chanel gown all on my own using the kitchen scissors . I guess it's a good thing I gots no sugar daddy.

Sparkly disco pants. For all the sparkly discos I frequently attend.

Weird outfit. Awesome outfit. Crop top of my dreams.

Okay so weird stuff. To be honest, most of it was weird. Very weird. Very Eastern European on a cruise (which I guess is the target audience?) Weird patterns. Weird cuts. Weird styling. Like this chick. What is she up to? With the denim skirt? And the boots? THE BOOTS? AND THE SKIRT? WITH THE BOOTS? WHAT?

[enter witty yet predictable comment about the fabric and it's likeness to kitchen curtains, Pagani clothing and middle school fabric tech projects]

Been raiding the Little Miss section at Ralph Lauren have you Baptiste?

And let's finish off with a skinny-bitch. Ooh, child get yourself some chicken nuggets already!

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