Yesterday, in the course of my travels, I ran into a freak of nature. Someone that bothered me so much that I had to move away, because I was staring. I didn't want to stare, but it was like a car crash... I couldn't help it.
It was a girl, perhaps... aged 11? Definitely no older than 12. At first glance, I literally thought someone had shrunk a 25 year old. She had the tan, the long wavy hair, mascara, foundation, FRENCH TIPS.
This girl, I'm not joking, blew my m***** f***** mind.
I have never ever ever seen anything like it in the world. Just for anyone that cares, she was wearing doc marten boots, skinny jeans, a furry vest over a long sleeve tee with a Hermes looking scarf. Perfect lip gloss, mermaid hair, and a Paris Hilton pout.
My god.
Please kill me if I have kids and they end up like this girl. I have been googling various celebretards looking for a comparison, but there is none... Olivia Palermo meets Cheryl Cole crossed with Jessica Simpson (in her super fashionable stage). Oh, and a bit of Kim Kardashian.

Forgive me if I offend anyone ( nah, I don't care actually) but this was WRONG.