Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm being very serious here guys

Phu-lease get into my life Karen Walker lapiz and diamond ring. This is getting more serious than the whole Chloe Sevigny Opening Ceremony boot fiasco. And we all (mostly a certain live-in co-writer) know what crazy proportions that almost got to. Sigh.

It just hit me! Just as I put that little pic up there. Yup that one right there. I'm gonna do this! I'm going to be (for once in my life) sensible with my money, which yes might at first seem like buying a very expensive ring would hinder that, but hear me out. I'm gonna save! Seriously save! I'm going to run off now and find a jar I can put money into. Then when I have enough I'm not going to deposit the money back into my account. I'm going to march down to Karen Walker with my jar of pennies (and notes, I am a semi-adult here) and pay CASH!

Watch this space y'all.

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