Was very surprised that the other blog, written by such a huge gossip girl fan,failed to mention one small fashion disaster by one Queen Bee in question. Its just all so upsetting and wrong... Too much leg, sparkly bits ,one sleeve... I just (sigh) I feel so disappointed. Blake would have looked lovely in yellow , or lilac or even frucking tie dyed with stripes and sequins. Anything but this!
Maybe the pose doesnt help but.. I just can't continue because it just really is too hard to keep my emotions in check.

Now everybody knows I'm an Olsen fan, of both M.K and Ashley. I know she has been made fun of so many times but I actually like M.K in this dress. And smiling! Its something only MK could pull off.. maybe a few other people but not many.

And Ashley.. well... It was ok. No complaints,but no raving love and passion for this particular dress. Its rather architectural. I do like her hair though, a nice change from the messy thing the twinsies tend to do. Sophisticated... but MK is more couture and edgy.

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