There were no great WOW dresses. The Olsen's looked great (but I'll leave that for our in-house Olsen Twin expert Bif to b.l.o.g about later). Justin Timberlake wore some fabulously entertaining specs and in all honesty, my favorite outfit would have to go to Kirsten Dunst's borderline dowdy Chanel number - which in my opinion had slightly more 'pow' sashaying its way down the runway than on Hollywood's favorite snaggle tooth; maybe this is because I have yet to see an action shot of pretty little snaggle in this fantastic dress. Okay, I guess if I was stuck wearing Claire Danes' dress I wouldn't have a complete fit. Maybe just a very loud grumble.

As for the 'what were they thinking??!!' segment, well, that too was a complete let-down. I feel totally duped not really being able to go totally off on anyone's dress this year. The most disappointing thing about the bad outfits is that they seemed only worthy of a circa 2000 Academy Award attendance, not the freaking MET BALL you nincumpoops!I'm looking at you Renée Zellweger, Hilary Swank, Brooke Shields, Amber Rose(Kanye West's shorty)and Marisa Tomei.

Sigh, I shake my head in utter disappointment.
p.s. Helena's dress is a little weird. For some reason it reminds me something eye-patch Nadine would wear to this event. But still it's not TOTALLY mind-boggling strange, urgh! I just like how Zac Posen seems to be swaying from side to side in a semi-line-dance-move sort of way - wouldn't that be great if he really was! Someone get me a video of this and it will make this year's ball the best EVER! Regardless of what you may have just read.

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