My boyfriend says I am a hater. Which I'm not. Certain things just annoy me. Like the previously blogged tights that look like jeans. And people who push in. People who are rude. Andd people that wear fingerless gloves with t-shirts. I'm not talking about Rihanna like fingerless lace , or perhaps leather. I'm talking about woollen, knitted , intended to keep your hands warm gloves. If your hands are so cold, why not put on a sweater? or better still, gloves with fingers? I know its all grunge and cool , but to be honest its kind of out.. as a look.
So please dress appropriatley for the weather.
p.s I was going to have a picture but all the fingerless gloves give me the creeps so I held back. Instead, perhaps, enjoy these lovely photos of stuffed animals doing funny things.

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