Friday, November 27, 2009
I am so ashamed
So as much as I hate on Lady Gaga...
I kinda, sort of, maybe, like this song. I didn't lurve it straight away when I first heard it, nor did I HATE it. But what really pushed me right over the edge into like-ville was this video. I bow my head in shame.
I kinda, sort of, maybe, like this song. I didn't lurve it straight away when I first heard it, nor did I HATE it. But what really pushed me right over the edge into like-ville was this video. I bow my head in shame.

FUCK! I just woke up from a nap and discovered that my amber ring, THE AMBER RING, is broken. FUCK. The amber has totally come loose and fallen out of its setting. How, when and why did this happen?!?!?!!? And most importantly WHERE IS IT?! Fuck! What am I going to do with my life now?! Whhhyyyyyyyyy????
bad day,
jurgen teller,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Book Club

I need a new book. Recently I powered my way through a few books aimed at teenagers, written by a Mormon, about vampires...I could very easily pick the final one and be done with it. OR I could read an actual book. A book written for humans. And I'm stuck. Half of the reason I got sucked into my Twilight spiral was that very few books hold my attention for very long - and I was overseas visiting family where no one was my age or spoke the same language as me. Sigh I've even battered my way through ye old Hunter S. Thompson recently (RUM DIARY IS BECOMING A FILM! WHO KNEW?) So maybe, unless y'all got some winning recommendations, I might just go crawling back to another old faithful. Lo. Lee. Ta.
hunter s. thompson,
vladimir nabokov
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Wedge
This is my future. I want these. These will make my life (and summer wardrobe) complete. These shoes are amazers!!! I can't explain how much I've been thinking (and re-looking at them) since I was inspired by the girl I work with's awesome summery wedges and took straight to net-a-porter, and far away from my work, to look up wedges. Love at first sight. I want these so much I might even do a Veruka Salt tantrum all alone in my room over them.

diane von furstenberg,
i want,
online shopping,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
UMmmmmmmm... Sonia Rykiel for H&M. Underwear. Please.

And also, this lovely photo from US Vogue in 2003. Alice in Wonderland theme with Natalia (Cant spell last name,or be bothered googling it) as Alice and Viktor and Rolf as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Lovely.

And also, this lovely photo from US Vogue in 2003. Alice in Wonderland theme with Natalia (Cant spell last name,or be bothered googling it) as Alice and Viktor and Rolf as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Lovely.

alice in wonderland,
Sonia Rykiel,
Viktor and Rolf
See this??

See those shoes, on the right hand side, at the front ?? A while ago, in the safety of my own head, I decided I would NEVER EVER relive my childhood Clog phase. But lately... I have grown fond. Less Clog and more... pump? But I think I love them.
god of Christmas, I hope you read this.
OR you could get me this Ring.

Only $1700 Nz dollars. Thaaaaankkkssss.
i want,
Karen Walker,
Things My Boyfriend likes..
One of them is fringed jackets. He bought some jacket off Ebay that looks like a homeless guy peed on it and them slept in it.
So I found these.. and thought maybe they would be a better investment.

This one is from H&M, of all places. Its slightly more German Rave than Western, but its a start.

Then came this one... better, si?? Its Trussardi 1911 and I can bet it would cost a hellava lot more than H&M, or Ebay jacket. But What can I do about this??
This is my hint.
So I found these.. and thought maybe they would be a better investment.

This one is from H&M, of all places. Its slightly more German Rave than Western, but its a start.

Then came this one... better, si?? Its Trussardi 1911 and I can bet it would cost a hellava lot more than H&M, or Ebay jacket. But What can I do about this??
This is my hint.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Seventeen year olds these days.

It started off with a bit of this...
And now this - as a costume, on stage, in front of pre-teen fans. I'm sure I wasn't like this at seventeen.

On one hand, poor Miley - growing up in the public eye blah blah blah. On the other, bitch has more cash in her cheque account that I will have in my entire life.
Miley cyrus
Friday, November 20, 2009
Everything is much clearer now
So a few weeks ago I moaned and groaned about how all I wear was black these days and was having a semi-crisis over what the hell to do (if and) when summer rolls around the corner. Well today it hit me. White. It's the obvious choice for someone like myself who seems to be falling into a little monochrome box. I have this white dress I might pull out again, I put it away after a certain someone told me I looked like a Mormon (the slutty young one Margene to be exact - intended as a compliment. How? I don't know). While I do love Big Love, I don't really think Mormon-chic is my look this summer. So while I have settled on my blacked-out clothes solution I have another problemo at hand; how do I pull this off without looking a) Mormon b)like I'm getting married or c)like I'm going to a P.Diddy party in the Hamptons or whatever those high rollers do all dressed in white.
Michael Jackson - Black Or White (Official Music Video) -
Michael Jackson - Black Or White (Official Music Video) -
michael jackson,
After a gazillion years on TV, Oprah is apparently quitting the biz. Is this really happening? I actually gasped out loud when I heard this (I know, I am totally awesome).
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I want these..

I really like them. But one small issue.. I get the feeling that I would look like a clown, because I get the vibe that perhaps this style would look better on midget feet (Sarah)
Sarah( or anyone else) any thoughts??
I want a dog!
Today Bif and I got some pets. Two little fishys - Dusty and Aretha. But what I really want is a dog. This dog.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Grace Coddington + Annie Leibovitz =

From upcoming Dec Vogue. Other ones also include Lady Gaga, but I can't handle the bitch, so if you want to see those look them up yourselves fellas. These are very Annie Liebovitz and to be honest, I was getting a bit sick of the whole Vanity Fair-esque shoots Liebovitz churns out, but these I do like. Yay!
annie liebovitz,
grace coddington,
Friday, November 13, 2009

(Fine Arts)
21 November 2009 to 22 November 2009
10am - 6pm
Venue: Whitaker Place and 5 Symonds Street (Building 113) and 25a Princes Street (George Fraser Gallery)
Host: Elam School of Fine Arts
Cost: Admission Free
Contact: +64 9 373 7599 ext. 88000
This annual contemporary art exhibition (formerly called Elam Open Days) showcases the final year work of more than 120 graduating students at Elam School of Fine Arts.
The Elam Graduate Show offers the chance to see exciting new work by emerging artists and designers- an opportunity eagerly seized upon by many of New Zealand’s top art curators, dealers and collectors. It is also a chance to peek inside the daily life and work of aspiring and established artists. The event can help shed light on the mysteries of their endeavours and help people understand the challenges and rewards of earning a degree from Elam.
As in years past, it is expected that art collectors, curators, critics and the merely “art curious” will turn out in droves to view this visual arts extravaganza.
Just because you are small doesn't mean you can't move art. Just because you haven't been told to do something doesn't mean you can't do it. And just because you are 22 doesn't mean you are stupid!!!

Funny Things.

One thing from Megan Fox - who, fyi , I think is beautiful. But also secretly jealous of because she is beautiful. But also comforting to know that the chances of her having had plastic surgery are like,waaaaaaaaaay higher than mine.
“Women tear each other apart. Girls think I’m a slut, and I’ve been in the same relationship since I was 18. The problem is, if they think you’re attractive, you’re either stupid or a whore or a dumb whore. The instinct among girls is to attack the jugular.”
Dam right bitch - If I think you are hotness, then chances are my man-friend will think you are too. Making you a THREAT!
And I know its not just me, but aren't Beauty Pageants like the weirdest thing in the world?? The crowns are so ridiculously hugemungous that they look weird. And the ladies look like Barbie gone on crack.. good or bad thing I'm not sure
And also, when is Carrie Prejean going to fizz out and fade away??

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So last night Sarah and I (and like, half my class) went out to celebrate our end of year submission. While I remember the whole night,I also remember trying to set several people up, laughing at Sarah when she fell off a table that she was dancing on, walking onto a busy road and enjoying a steak pie on the way up to my house. Thanks to boyfriend for picking us up!
I feel a bit sick. I'm really hungry for french toast... is it lame to dine on your own??
But anyway.. oh right right p.s - I have no idea who reads our blog, but anyway, a HUGE thank you to James and Tarquin for saving my ass yesterday and helping me out.
I feel a bit sick. I'm really hungry for french toast... is it lame to dine on your own??
But anyway.. oh right right p.s - I have no idea who reads our blog, but anyway, a HUGE thank you to James and Tarquin for saving my ass yesterday and helping me out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Education at its End
SO.... I'm finishing university in approximately ONE DAY. Holy Hector. Wtf am I going to do with my life?
(p.s Things are falling apart around me!) and its all like, pursuing my dream job is oh so very unrealistic and stuff, but does this mean I should settle for my quaint little retail job (which actually serves quite well in paying the bills)? .I'm thinking there is no big rush to become a bigshot artist anytime soon so for now maybe I should just pay off my extensive debts and then do something exciting, like travel??
I hope I don't end up like this...
(p.s Things are falling apart around me!) and its all like, pursuing my dream job is oh so very unrealistic and stuff, but does this mean I should settle for my quaint little retail job (which actually serves quite well in paying the bills)? .I'm thinking there is no big rush to become a bigshot artist anytime soon so for now maybe I should just pay off my extensive debts and then do something exciting, like travel??
I hope I don't end up like this...

Who knew?

So The Rum Diary is becoming a movie. Did anyone else know about this? Staring Hunter S. Thompson film adaptation fave Johnny Depp and Giovanni Ribisi. This is one of my favorite books and I am very, very intrigued.
hunter s. thompson
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Shine on me

Some girls are just more shinier than others. Their skin is better, their hair is less frizzy and their outfits are more co-ordinated. Then there are the girls who's nail polish is always chipped, shoes are muddy and just don't have a general aura of shine as the others. I fear, my friends, I am in the latter group. And I think I'm okay with that...really...But there is something appealing about the world of the shine that makes me feel like poo from time to time. It would be nice to step out of the house frizz and lint free once in a while. Maybe the reason I am not shiny is because I'm always in a rush when I get ready in the mornings. I LOVE sleeping and often trade in getting ready time for 'HOLY SHIT I NEED TO BE AT WORK TEN MINS AGO' time. Julia Restoin Rotifeld (above) is, as many know, a sort of idol of mine. She has big hair and brows like me (and a wardrobe I'd like to think was mine). But she IS very shiny. Perfect hair. Well synced outfit. Shiny. But are these shiny girls more appealing than their raggamuffin counterparts? Do jobs, boys, shop assistants, construction workers, dogs, and life in general favor more well put-together, prefecto girls? Well, it sure feels like it. Sigh
Julia Restoin Roitfeld,
Heidi Montag

The Plastic surgery really really bugs me. Bitch doesn't even look like her former self. Boobs - meh ok , understandable, nose completely changed the way she looked. Interesting.
I apologize for stupid blogging, life is hard at the moment so I choose to blog about trivial things.
We really do Know It All.

For example, I know what the hole in the tab that opens a can of Coke is there for.
If you want to know, leave a comment and I will enlighten you.
Call me pretentious
I don't really mind. I LOVE Nick Cave.
nick cave and the bad seeds
Friday, November 6, 2009
Jon Benet anyone?
Look Bif, you started a trend. These are by artist Gretchen Ryan and I think they are totally awesome. A bit perverse. A bit haunting. A bit beautiful. A lot appealing.

gretchen ryan,
Faux-shopping post # gazillion
In preparation for real shopping tomorrow. Which may turn out to be very disappointing after this little trip down fantasy lane. I need new things for summer. Today at work my co-worker turned up looking very summery. I too turned up looking what I thought was summery, but when I got to work realised that I was just wearing black. Black, black, black. That seems to be me in a nutshell these days. Jeeeeesus I need to branch out. If I lived in New York (and had a zillion dollars) I would go to Opening Ceremony tomorrow and get these things - inc. the shoes in the Comme shots. And then my summer would be set!

p.s. a buyer's guilt post WILL follow in the next few days. Brace yourselves beloved readers.

p.s. a buyer's guilt post WILL follow in the next few days. Brace yourselves beloved readers.
comme des garcons,
online shopping,
opening ceremony,
shopping spree,
Lusting after stuff that will be useless for at least another 6 months

I kind of want this jacket. I also kind of want my hair like that - long term project anyone? To achieve this 'look' I would have to a) grow my hair big and proud and b)get a semi-perm/wave thing...I'm going to do it!. This girl has it going on! Except for the pout and pants. The pants look like she is wearing nappies...backwards...and the pout is all wrong. Everyone knows that the only person who can pout properly are the Olsen twins. But yes, jacket and big hair = good (even though a bit out of season on this super sunny day. But meh)
alexander wang,
Thursday, November 5, 2009

I want to wear more rings. But they are very, very, very hard to find. Rings, I have decided, are like jeans. They are EVERYWHERE yes, but they are non always perfect - very rarely in fact. Yes Diva and Equip have a great range of stuff that can be passed off as if never have come from places like that but their rings...always something not quite right. Too much glitter. One too many 'diamonds' etc. OR it's a case of good old Karen Walker jewelery being only affordable for queens and such. Don't you agree? The only tried and true ring I've had is an amber ring I bought in Paris when I was 15. My sister and I got a bit lost and to distract ourselves from this fact we went shopping instead. Viola, my ring. Since, I've had two other semi-successful rings come into my life. The first is my faux-Cartier leopard ring I bought in Tokyo last year. But this one is a bit too bling for everyday wear, for me anyway (bubble wrap and packing tape don't really mix well with g.l.a.m.o.r.o.u.s.). The second ring is a daisy one I bought off good ole TradeMe a few months ago for $10. The problem with THIS one is that the petals are not as delicate as they should be. Rather sharp and hurty really. Sigh. My life is so hard.

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