Some girls are just more shinier than others. Their skin is better, their hair is less frizzy and their outfits are more co-ordinated. Then there are the girls who's nail polish is always chipped, shoes are muddy and just don't have a general aura of shine as the others. I fear, my friends, I am in the latter group. And I think I'm okay with that...really...But there is something appealing about the world of the shine that makes me feel like poo from time to time. It would be nice to step out of the house frizz and lint free once in a while. Maybe the reason I am not shiny is because I'm always in a rush when I get ready in the mornings. I LOVE sleeping and often trade in getting ready time for 'HOLY SHIT I NEED TO BE AT WORK TEN MINS AGO' time. Julia Restoin Rotifeld (above) is, as many know, a sort of idol of mine. She has big hair and brows like me (and a wardrobe I'd like to think was mine). But she IS very shiny. Perfect hair. Well synced outfit. Shiny. But are these shiny girls more appealing than their raggamuffin counterparts? Do jobs, boys, shop assistants, construction workers, dogs, and life in general favor more well put-together, prefecto girls? Well, it sure feels like it. Sigh
Like yourself, I'm no "shiny girl". I just like to think of it more as we spend less time getting "ready" to live and more time livin'!
ReplyDeleteSarah, you and I both are non shiny... I always ALWAYS look messy.. even in heels and dress and lovely makeup... still looking rough around the edges. But doesn't that show people that we are less high maintenance, more manageable and therefore better for others around us. who wants to date bitch that takes two hours to put her face on ?
ReplyDeleteI am non-shiny too. But then again, not dying young will do that for you.
oi! some people take two hours precisely because they are not shiny, sarah! some of us can roll out of bed and look fantastic (feelings are not the issue at hand, heh), and some of us need to spend two hours of self-hating mirror gazing to complete our 'look'!
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, it doesn't matter if on the outlook we are 'shiny' or not... what matters most is that we are shinning inside!!! That i believe is what makes us shines the best... those with 'shiny' outer appearances are just not really that shiny on the inside of them after all - coz they are all so self-absorb...
ReplyDeleteI sometimes literally want to kill those girls who wake up looking shiny, no effort at all, they just get up and put on some t shirt and they look better than 80% of the people out there. Those bitches.
ReplyDeletePS. Yes. I am jealous. Sigh.
Heck yes I'm jealous (this is Bif) but then sometimes its like, you have a weird day and you want to look TOUGH or BADASS and thats when the lack of shiny comes in hand. This is harder for Sarah because she looks like a child, but what I'm saying is - non shiny is more diverse etc , shiny is dime a dozen!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease don't leave misleading comments about me Bif. I was a) dancing on a chair NOT a table (see End of Education post) and b) I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A CHILD (most of the time)
ReplyDeleteI am not shiny, I could never BE shiny...I can't afford it and kinda can't be bothered, although I slap myself for wanting to be a SHINY GIRL sometimes. They lead the glamorous life-let us non-SHINY's hope it's a SHIT life really!