One thing from Megan Fox - who, fyi , I think is beautiful. But also secretly jealous of because she is beautiful. But also comforting to know that the chances of her having had plastic surgery are like,waaaaaaaaaay higher than mine.
“Women tear each other apart. Girls think I’m a slut, and I’ve been in the same relationship since I was 18. The problem is, if they think you’re attractive, you’re either stupid or a whore or a dumb whore. The instinct among girls is to attack the jugular.”
Dam right bitch - If I think you are hotness, then chances are my man-friend will think you are too. Making you a THREAT!
And I know its not just me, but aren't Beauty Pageants like the weirdest thing in the world?? The crowns are so ridiculously hugemungous that they look weird. And the ladies look like Barbie gone on crack.. good or bad thing I'm not sure
And also, when is Carrie Prejean going to fizz out and fade away??

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