I want to wear more rings. But they are very, very, very hard to find. Rings, I have decided, are like jeans. They are EVERYWHERE yes, but they are non always perfect - very rarely in fact. Yes Diva and Equip have a great range of stuff that can be passed off as if never have come from places like that but their rings...always something not quite right. Too much glitter. One too many 'diamonds' etc. OR it's a case of good old Karen Walker jewelery being only affordable for queens and such. Don't you agree? The only tried and true ring I've had is an amber ring I bought in Paris when I was 15. My sister and I got a bit lost and to distract ourselves from this fact we went shopping instead. Viola, my ring. Since, I've had two other semi-successful rings come into my life. The first is my faux-Cartier leopard ring I bought in Tokyo last year. But this one is a bit too bling for everyday wear, for me anyway (bubble wrap and packing tape don't really mix well with g.l.a.m.o.r.o.u.s.). The second ring is a daisy one I bought off good ole TradeMe a few months ago for $10. The problem with THIS one is that the petals are not as delicate as they should be. Rather sharp and hurty really. Sigh. My life is so hard.

I don't even wear rings, anymore. I truly cannot decide if it's worse to have rings that are difficult to keep on, or those that are difficult to get off.