Hey guys, so if you are a regular reader of the unfasionable guide to fashion, you'd know that I (Sarah) have a complex about looking like a child. That's because I DO look like a child. As degrading as it is loosing my posse as they run into the bar and I'm held back in the cold to fumble around in my bag looking for my I.D. then to be laughed at when they figure out the maths and how much older than 8 I really am, I've kind of gotten use to it. Why in fact only the other night this exact scene played out:
Bif: "Two vodka and apples please"
Barkeep: "Sure" she begins to make them, she stops, stares at me "Can I see your I.D?"
Sarah: "O.K" the I.D. fumble begins
Bif: "You want to see mine too?"
Barkeep: "Umm...nope."
Yeah. Awesome right? I'M TWENTY TWO! And it's not the height - Bif only has a few inches on me. Maybe I should cash in and star in straight to DVD Disney movies or something. ANYWAY...THIS happened today whilst buying two bottles of tonic at the bottle store:
Shopkeeper: "Can I see some I.D?"
Me: "I.D? Whaa...?It's tonic" I point at the tonic
Shopkeeper: "You have to be 18 to be in this store"
Me: "What?"
Shopkeeper: "You have to be 18 to be in this store"
Me: "Really? That's a bit weird."
Shopkeeper: "It's the law."
Is it? Is it really the law? Isn't that just like going to a bar and being I.D-ed buying a coke? - which would probably happen to me anyway, at McDonald's.