Thursday, June 11, 2009


I LOVE terrible music! What are you going to do about it?! And I mean terrible music in a completely non-ironic way. I sincerely love Taylor Swift, Britney and that Tambourine song by Eve (among many others). People who don't listen to terrible music, and only ever listen to super hip shit and/or totally ironic retro stuff are missing out, and I don't understand it. 'Terrible music' is what I love to play in the car while stuck in a traffic jam or trying to figure out what to wear in the morning while having a pre-8am solo disco in my room. Why would anyone want to go through life without this? Jesus! Stop being so serious, turn on the top 40, pick a few numbers you like (you know they are in there), join this Facebook group and freaking declare your love to the world!


  1. I listen to this music all the time, it's great! Lady Gaga, anyone? And Paul Simon's 2 albums.

  2. I don't know about lady gaga friend, that might be pushing this into the area of vomit. But yes paul simon's 2 only ever albums are awesome! Why does he need to make/have made anymore?
