Saturday, July 11, 2009

Twin Peaks-tastic


  1. This is better than a bat cape. Ooh I could wear this to Draculas!!!! To be in theme!!

  2. Nothing is better than a bat cape, Anna. Can you email sarah a picture so i can see it? i have recently been considering a bat cape ish style thing.. will i regret it?

  3. Well. As sarah has probably told you, I have never been able to live down my purchase of The Bat Cape. So try at your peril! The sleeves aren't too bad actually; but I think it was the combination of the zebra print, coupled with the flashes of fluro green through it and the mini-skirt that it came down to sealed my fate of ridicule.

  4. see the one i have my eye on is cream ( v classic) and kind of little red riding hood minus the red. I really REALLY want to see your cape.

  5. Bif, just to let you know, this 'cape' of Anna's is more bat-winged than cape like.

  6. Thanks friend, as if I needed more reinforcement of just how bat-like it is. Bif, your one actually sounds cool; unlike mine!
