Thursday, February 18, 2010

Please make it stop!

Please make the clogs stop multiplying. Not only are they coming out looking like a more polished version of the pair I had when I was seven (black with flowers along the rim), but they are now morphing into things like a clog-boot-thing. W.T.F? STOP! Just stop. These shoes are NOT flattering on seven-year-old girls, and they are also NOT flattering on grown women - model or normal human. Nasty, nasty, nasty. I shudder.

And P.S. is Lara Stone wearing peddle pushers? Or bike pants? Both things that happened to me in the 90s, but unlike dark purple lipstick and flannel - they are something, like clogs, that should stay in the past!


  1. Ugh, the ugg/shoe is one ugly baby.

  2. Sarah, I'm going to get you the green boots (dare I call them that?) for your birthday. So Lucky.
