Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day of the DEAD

So Halloween is coming up. We all know Bif has her outfit all sorted out. But what about me??? Rhonda Volmer (of Big Love fame) was a suggestion but...a) I don't think I own a skirt long enough to pull it off and b) my hair is slowly getting bigger again, but not THAT big. Sigh, I suggested that myself and my team mate here just paint our faces in a certain theme, but according to her that's so "last year Sarah". Well shit. Sorry I wasn't in Auckland last year guys. What do you want me to do about it? What I am most likely going to do is just stay in the palace and watch scary movies (while drinking 'champagne'). Who's with me?


  1. um , hi, its bif. I didn't say last year, I said the normal clothes/ painted face combo was something that I saw a lot last year. There is a difference, you slug you.
    P.s I already have a date (albeit online) to watch The Shining on saturday night - you can join. Unfortunately I do not drink champagne.

  2. hello, sarah here. i will join. we will get sparkling apple juice for you

  3. hi, nat signing in. I also do not drink champagne, so I will be on the gin from afar. by myself. being scared, plus some irrational fear due to intoxication.

    p.s. facebook is making me read your blog obsessively. darn it.

    p.p.s. online dates are soooo moment of geek
