Friday, October 22, 2010

The woman who lived in a shoe...

So I have a wee bit of a problem. I'm a shopaholic. I'm not joking. At all. See below photo as proof (p.s. those little new buddies of mine will make it five, yes FIVE, pairs of shoes from the same place in 1 MONTH!) Ok even THAT was a bit extreme for me. Also not a good thing that I have a staff account at work too...
But here's the thing, while my shopping can get slightly out of control at times, my wardrobe is totally going bonkers - and I only wear about two thirds of it. I KEEP EVERYTHING! I can't let that pretty top I loved when I was 17 go (x10 or so). THAT is my problem. Hoarder at 23, awesome. Do I smell a long weekend project? Trash bags and TradeMe watch out.