Isn't it interesting how so many people are anti- blog? I myself am anti particular blogs, but not all blogs are lame! Some are very entertaining and wild and interesting.
So Hear Ye Hear Ye blog haters! I like to blog. You may not. You might like to play guitar, or Playstation . Things I may not. So please refrain from saying that blogs are like, so totally lame and cliche unless you want me to burn you right on back.
On another note - Everyone should go and see an exhibition down in W(h)anganui called Ever Ever by the lovely James K Lowe. Amazing AMAZING photos that any bitch would be lucky to own, let alone create. I'm not fancy enough to do that bloggy-linky thing where I can link you to James' blog, but google him and check it out!
Sarah Edit: I am nerdy so here is James' blog.
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