But you see, the thing is, this is probably the first ever item of Karen Walker clothing I've really wanted. And it's a t-shirt.
So pretty much, the deal with me is that I've just never warmed to much of the Karen Walker clothes over the past years. I like the jewelry a lot more and don't have this issue with them. I like a few coats every season, like these little babies for example.

But like everything in the land of Karen Walker (except this possibly rather affordable t-shirt) the coats are always out of my financial reach so I never bother even going in there to look for them. My 'problem' with Karen Walker isn't the price. If I like something enough I'd charge it to my credit card and not go out for a while slash just stare at it in vain online until I die of boredom. It just never happens with KW stuff. Why? I just look at it all and while I'm not repulsed, I'm just a bit 'meh-ed' (yes kill me now, I know I 'blaspheme'). It's just all a bit 'boxy' or something. Just a bit too 'nautical'/'wood cabin in upstate New York' or something. I'm not hating on the 'geek-chic' shoe and sock combo (I am a fan and practicing individual of that look). It all just doesn't sit right with me.
For example I kinda like this dress.

It's cute. It's frilly. It's in my second favorite colour, navy blue. But I still wouldn't really go there.
If I was a sexy sectary or librarian I'd maybe wear this to work.

But that's not what I do, is it. I think the thing with Karen Walker and me is that I don't feel like I have anywhere appropriate to wear this stuff. Which is weird because I didn't think twice about buying a tight velvet dress. I feel like when I put on her clothes that I AM the dress. The things I'd try on aren't pants (I'm not mature enough to wear 'pants' as opposed to jeans) or stripped tops (I get mine from H&M and Glassons thank you very much) are such 'clothes' they just make me wrinkle my nose a little bit - except that t-shirt, I think I'm gonna get that. Is there something wrong with me that I don't kowtow to the temple of KW? Am I ill? Please still be my friend.
p.s. Karen Walker ring fund update, I think I want this one more now. Not so "Oh my god I forgot to take it off when I did the dishes" and possibly more realistic for my little money jar.

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