Saturday, February 12, 2011

more new things!

I got mail, and in that mail I got rings. I've always wanted heaps and heaps of rings. And eventually, I did get heaps and heaps of rings. But then I wore them all at the same time and just felt like a cheap Abbey Lee knock off, which was annoying and not me. So I began to search for cool small rings. And now (including one not pictured) I have three - perfect.

My new ring collection also has a cool animal theme which is kind of neat. It's taking me a little bit of time to get use to the whole pinky ring business...I feel like a mafioso (who likes dolphins) which is very awesome.

Here are actual pictures of the rings instead of a vain photobooth one.

DOLPHIN! There is something very nostalgic and 90s about dolphins that I can't quite let go of. Still hunting for these.

Zoe & Morgan snake eternity ring, which you've seen before.

1 comment:

  1. Post when you get someone to ACTUALLY kiss it... Go on, you know you're dying to demand someone do it. Just not me, k? :-) I like the Zoe & Morgan one.

    I'm after a gold nugget ring myself. Or one of those 90's icon dodgy coloured stripey perspex ones. Maybe my theme will be the periodic table?
